View Work Plans - Year 3
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Year 3 - Institutional Engagement (Umpqua Community College)
Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved
A: Two goals that are dependent on the development of the web tool:
Student Learning Assessment - use of the web tool as an "index" into the assessment tools for learning outcomes at the institutional, program/cert and course level
B: Learning Outcome Assessment - ensuring that the course learning outcomes map to (form a "covering set") for the program/cert learning outcomes, and similarly ensuring that program/cert learning outcomes map to (cover) the institutional learning outcomes - with the current tool this is hard to make explicit at a domain/content level (not just the five DQP dimensions)
Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects
A: Accreditation
B: curriculum processes
Processes - How outcome will be achieved
A: Unclear - possibly by data-driven assessment documentation web pages keyed to the DQP database?
B: Completed implicitly by the planned use of the DQP web tool as part of routine curricular workflow - depends on development of the web tools whether the discipline content can be mapped similarly to the DQP dimensions
Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement
A: If simple links can be established as fields and/or embedded in the learning outcome descriptions/definitions, this work will need to be completed at some level by the Year 7 report for accreditation (Summer 2014)
B: incrementally achieved in the process of curricular updates -
Responsibility - Lead person / office
A: Martha Joyce
B: Lisa Davis
C: Deans of CTE and A&S
Year 3 - Horizontal Alignment (Umpqua Community College)
Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved
A: Student learning assessment part of curricular conversations with community colleges (alignment, substitution requests)
B: Student learning assessment part of curricular conversations with community colleges (joint curriculum development)
Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects
A: Accreditation
B: Curriculum review processes
Processes - How outcome will be achieved
A: Use of web tool as standard reference for ongoing curricular conversations and workflow as relates to conversations with 2-yr institutions
Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement
A: Incremental - as programs/certs are worked on
Responsibility - Lead person / office
A: Deans of CTE and A&S
Year 3 - Vertical Integration (Umpqua Community College)
Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved
A: Same as horizontal alignment except as relates to 4-yr institutions - same outcomes, processes and tools apply.
Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects
A: Same as horizontal alignment except as relates to 4-yr institutions - same outcomes, processes and tools apply.
Processes - How outcome will be achieved
A: Same as horizontal alignment except as relates to 4-yr institutions - same outcomes, processes and tools apply.
Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement
A: Same as horizontal alignment except as relates to 4-yr institutions - same outcomes, processes and tools apply.
Responsibility - Lead person / office
A: Deans of CTE and A&S