View Work Plans - Year 2

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Year 2 - Institutional Engagement (Linn-Benton Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Mapping our General Education course outcomes onto the DQP using the spiderweb tool. Begin the discussion of re-designing general education based on these results.

B: Map Communications, Economics, and Music AS/AAOT degrees onto the DQP using the spiderweb tool.


Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: This work is closely related to both our General Education outcomes assessment work, and an institutional re-design that we are embarking on this year. The re-design is about organizing the college around some of our known completion problems. One of these areas addresses the transfer-bound, college-ready population (called the Transfer Solutions group). One key goal of this group’s work is to scaffold program and general education curricula so that students build skills over time. The mapping tool is one way in which we will do this work. The focus on the DQP on the level of skill attained is going to be important, although we’ll be breaking down the levels within the Associate’s degree.

This work also relates to Achieving the Dream (AtD), which we are beginning this year. We have not yet identified what our AtD initiatives will be, although DQP is not one of them. However, the cultural shift towards a culture of evidence that is part of the AtD project will help inform and motivate our DQP work.

B: See (A). In addition, this program work is related to program outcomes assessment work.


Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: We will begin in Winter term of 2013, after completing the initial mapping of the Arts & Letters category, with the faculty who are members of the General Education assessment team, and members of the Transfer Solutions group who are interested in General Education. Progress will be slow on this, because budget cuts do not allow us to give these faculty release time for this work. We will choose a small number of classes initially that span our general education categories, and use the resulting discussions and results to motivate further work. Our goal is to identify gaps in our General Education curriculum, both in terms of the DQP outcomes and in skill level. The Arts & Letters work will be used as a motivating example for this work. Future work (year 3) will involve a re-design of General Education around these results, potentially with tiers of general education classes based on the expected skill level, and clearer pathways through general education that allow for more synthesis of material.

B: We will begin by mapping a few “easier” degrees (those with more linear progression and with documented outcomes in place, and with faculty who are engaged in the work), such as Communications, Music, and Economics.


Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement

A: a. Milestone 1: Map 9 courses from each of the broad general education areas (Writing, Math, Communication, Health, Arts & Letters, Social Science, Physical Science, Biological Science, and Cultural Literacy) onto the DQP using the spiderweb tool. Achieved by Oct. 2013.
b. Milestone 2: Use the results to engage faculty so that we can map more courses from the general education list. Focus on one general education area and attempt to map all courses (e.g. Arts & Letters). Achieved by .

B: Milestone 1: Map courses from Communication, Music, and Economics onto the DQP. Achieved by 9/13.


Responsibility - Lead person / office

A: This work will be led by Katie Winder, Dean of Liberal Arts, Social Systems, and Human Performance, who facilitates the General Education assessment team as well as the Transfer Educational Re-design Group. There will be another lead, but that is being determined at present due to personnel shifts.

B: This work will be facilitated by Katie Winder, but will involve work from Paul Hibbard (Faculty in Economics), Dana Emerson (Faculty in Communication), and James Reddan (Faculty in Music).




Year 2 - Horizontal Alignment (Linn-Benton Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved




Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects




Processes - How outcome will be achieved




Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement




Responsibility - Lead person / office






Year 2 - Vertical Integration (Linn-Benton Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved




Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects




Processes - How outcome will be achieved




Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement






Responsibility - Lead person / office






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