View Work Plans - Year 2

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Year 2 - Institutional Engagement (Clackamas Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Continue strengthening/establishing AS degrees at CCC, linking program outcomes with DQP where possible.

B: Use the DQP, where appropriate, to support or shape new program review processes.

C: Bring DQP into ongoing discussions related to gen-ed and cross-curricular outcomes.

Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: * Curriculum Committee Outline Revision Effort (new 3 year cycle)
* AS Degree Development/Expansion
* Departmental ISS Blueprint Development and Use (Detailed at Program level within departments)

B: * Program Outcome Updates and Creation
* Program Review and Assessment
* Ongoing Gen-Ed Assessment
* Perkins Technical Skills Assessment (TSA)
* Curriculum Committee Course Outline Revision Effort (3 year cycle)
* Departmental ISS Blueprint Development and Use (Detailed at Program level within departments)
* Division-level ISS Blueprint Development
* Accreditation planning for next stage

C: * Curriculum Committee Outline Revision Effort (new 3 year cycle)
* AS Degree Development/Expansion
* Possible Revision of "Related Instruction" course listings and drafting of associated outcomes
* Institutional consideration of whether more explicit outcomes are needed, as far as general education, than what AAOT or ASOT frameworks currently provide.

Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: As of 12/2013 three AS degrees have been approved in Biology, Engineering Transfer and Computer Science.

Although none of the degrees have explicit DQP language in their outcomes, conversations about the degree outcomes have been informed by DQP, since by their nature AS degrees involve transfer of specific courses and therefore considerations of horizontal and vertical integration among institutions and equivalency of courses.

B: This year (2013/14) marks a formal push to update program-level student learning outcomes for all of Clackamas' formal programs, and to go through program review and assessment for at least one program in every department that has a formal program.

Note this will mean more than 6 programs undergo formal review by Fall of 2014. This is closely tied to accreditation timelines and requirements, and DQP figures into this work only secondarily.

Where DQP can help with the process, however, we have encouraged departments to make use of it. Explicit use of DQP at the program level is most apparent in the health-related programs.

C: We have used DQP funds to pay two faculty members (one in the English department, and one in Math) to map commonly required courses in those areas to the DQP outcomes, so that other programs can use the DQP mappings without having to determine how gen-ed or related instruction requirements in Writing or Math should look in various programs.

Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement

A: As of 12/2013 three AS degrees have been approved in Biology, Engineering Transfer and Computer Science. It is likely that more such degrees will be created by the end of the academic year.

Although none of the degrees have explicit DQP language in their outcomes, conversations about the degree outcomes have been informed by DQP, since by their nature AS degrees involve transfer of specific courses and therefore considerations of horizontal and vertical integration among institutions and equivalency of courses.

B: A number of programs should undergo formal review by Fall of 2014. During Winter Term of 2014, the first "beta" of these formal reviews will be completed, using newly drafted outcomes and preliminary program data.

This is closely tied to accreditation timelines and requirements, and DQP figures into this work only secondarily.

C: We have used DQP funds to pay two faculty members (one in the English department, and one in Math) to map commonly required courses in those areas to the DQP outcomes, so that other programs can use the DQP mappings without having to determine how gen-ed or related instruction requirements in Writing or Math should look in various programs.

Responsibility - Lead person / office

A: Steffen Moller, Dean of Curriculum Planning & Research, is most directly responsible for AS degrees institution-wide. This is not a DQP-specific responsibility.

In general, contact either Bill Briare (Dean of Arts & Sciences) or Matthew Altman (Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences) for information about how DQP connects with these efforts.

B: Scott Giltz, Dean of Technology Health Occupations & Workforce, is most directly responsible for the implementation of the program review efforts at CCC. This is not a DQP-specific responsibility.

In general, contact either Bill Briare (Dean of Arts & Sciences) or Matthew Altman (Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences) for information about how DQP connects with these efforts.

C: Bill Briare, Dean of Arts & Sciences, is most directly responsible for the implementation of general education and related instruction requirements.

In general, contact either Bill Briare (Dean of Arts & Sciences) or Matthew Altman (Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences) for information about how DQP connects with these efforts.



Year 2 - Horizontal Alignment (Clackamas Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Horizontal Alignment outcomes at CCC are largely embedded in the "institutional engagement" outcomes of expanded AS Degree offerings, more robust program review, and renewed focus on gen-ed and related instruction outcomes. All of these areas require checking with educational partners at the community college and 4-year level.

Beyond such efforts, CCC aims to participate in DQP events specifically designed to bring together horizontal and vertical partners for broader conversations about DQP, or partnership/integration-related opportunities that align with DQP goals (whether explicitly related to DQP or not). An obvious example in Oregon is the newly emerging funding framework and associate "compacts".



Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: * All initiatives/projects listed under "institutional engagement"
* Oregon-wide "compacts"
* Newly emerging state funding formula
* Multi-institution grant activities (such as CASE)



Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: * All initiatives/projects listed under "institutional engagement"

Participation by CCC staff in ongoing DQP activities organized at statewide level.



Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement

A: * All milestones/achievements listed under "institutional engagement"

* Three CCC staff members attended Fall 2013 DQP Summit.



Responsibility - Lead person / office






Year 2 - Vertical Integration (Clackamas Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Vertical Alignment outcomes at CCC are largely embedded in the "institutional engagement" outcomes of expanded AS Degree offerings, more robust program review, and renewed focus on gen-ed and related instruction outcomes. All of these areas require checking with educational partners at the community college and 4-year level.

Beyond such efforts, CCC aims to participate in DQP events specifically designed to bring together horizontal and vertical partners for broader conversations about DQP, or partnership/integration-related opportunities that align with DQP goals (whether explicitly related to DQP or not). An obvious example in Oregon is the newly emerging funding framework and associate "compacts".



Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: * All initiatives/projects listed under "institutional engagement"
* Oregon-wide "compacts"
* Newly emerging state funding formula
* Multi-institution grant activities (such as CASE)



Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: * All initiatives/projects listed under "institutional engagement"

Participation by CCC staff in ongoing DQP activities organized at statewide level.



Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement

A: * All milestones/achievements listed under "institutional engagement"

* Three CCC staff members attended Fall 2013 DQP Summit.





Responsibility - Lead person / office






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