View Work Plans - Year 1

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Year 1 - Institutional Engagement (Lane Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Mapping Writing/Composition Program outcomes and MTH 095 and MTH 111 outcomes to Lane's new Core Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and DQP outcomes via spider web ; Mapping 6 AAS programs to CLOs and DQP

B: Faculty Professional Development on learning outcomes, assessment , assignments, rubrics; jointly shared with UO

C: Identify student affairs co-curricular learning activities and outcomes as High Impact Practices; begin mapping to Lane CLOs and DQP spiderweb

Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: Ongoing Writing/Composition program assessment; Institutional roll out of new CLOs; WICHE program; Career Pathways; Technical Skills Assessment (Perkins); Lane Strategic Directions; A Liberal Education Approach

B: Ongoing FPD at Lane and UO; Assessment Team activities

C: Roadmap High Impact Practices; other Student Success initiatives; statewide CSSA conversations

Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: Monthly workgroup meetings of faculty; record feedback on DQP framework; A-Team facilitation of faculty subgroups

B: Workshops, resource sharing, coaching and mentoring

C: Integrated conversations among student affairs faculty and staff

Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement

A: 3/30/2103: Complete mapping to CLOs and DQP spider web ; 4/30/2013: Complete revisions to writing outcomes; 3/30/2013: maps available for viewing on web.

B: Winter term, 2013: convene planning group with UO Spring term, 2013: hold one or more FPD events

C: 2/28/2013: Statewide conversation of co-curricular outcomes; 6/30/2013: Document co-curricular learning activities and outcomes in relationship to Lane CLOs

Responsibility - Lead person / office

A: Siskanna Naynaha, Writing Coordinator, DQP Lead faculty in Writing, OWEAC Chair-Elect, x3388; Kathie Hledik, Math Division Dean; Christina Howard, Assessment Team Chair, x5764; Joseph Colton, CIT Faculty

B: Sarah Ulerick, Lane DQP Lead; Ken Doxsee, UO DQP lead; Christina Howard, Lane A-team chair; Susan Carkin, Lane LLC Dean

C: Kate Barry, Interim Executive Dean, Student Affairs; Mary Parthemer, TRIO director, Title III grant director; Barbara Delansky, Student Life & Leadership; Jerry DeLeon, Associate Dean, Student Affairs



Year 1 - Horizontal Alignment (Lane Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Writing/Composition outcomes: Share process, relfections and documentation with Lane A-team and Faculty Council, and with OWEAC to foster horizontal alignment

B: Alignment of course outcomes and objectives in MTH 095 and MH 111 with other Oregon community colleges

C: Initiate state discussions of co-curricular outcomes at CCSA

Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: Faculty engagement with institutional and stae work on assessment, DQP, and national outcomes conversations

B: Core to College project


Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: FPD workshops and A-team sponsored projects to share work with broader faculty and more discipline areas ; Scheduled A-team meetings, Faculty Council and OWEAC meetings

B: Montly meetings of Core to College Leadership Team; cross-institutional workgroups; facilitation by EPIC


Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement




Responsibility - Lead person / office

A: Siskanna Naynaha, Writing Coordinator, DQP Lead faculty in Writing, OWEAC Chair-Elect, x3388

B: Kathie Hledik, Math Division Dean and Kristina Holton, Math Faculty

C: Kate Barry, Interim Executive Dean, Student Affairs



Year 1 - Vertical Integration (Lane Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Writing/Comp Lane and UO faculty workgroup convenes to create chared plan for aligning revised writing outcomes; may also include Eastern Oregon U and Blue Mt. CC

B: Work with higher ed faculty in Oregon and other partner states to find agreement on common learning outcomes in quantitative literacy

C: Joint Faculty Development with UO

Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: WICHE Passport Initiative

B: WICHE project


Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: Cross-institutional workgroup meetings and sharing of lead writing/comp faculty

B: Focused discussions with Oregon participants, and representation at multi-state meetings

C: Faculty peer discussions

Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement

A: 5/2013: First workgroup meeting 6/2013: WICHE spring meeting or 2nd cross-institutional workgorup meeting Shared work plan finalized for AY 2013-2014

B: Progress on common agreements to be in draft form by spring, 2013




Responsibility - Lead person / office

A: Siskanna Naynaha, Writing Coordinator, DQP Lead faculty in Writing, OWEAC Chair-Elect, x3388

B: Kathie Hledik, Math Division Dean and Ben Hill, Math Faculty

C: Sarah Ulerick, Lane and Ken Doxsee, UO



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