View Work Plans - Year 1

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Year 1 - Institutional Engagement (Clackamas Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved

A: Strengthen/establish AS degrees at CCC, linking program outcomes with DQP where possible.

B: Use the DQP as one lens for analysis of 6 programs piloting the enhanced program review processes.

C: Engage faculty around the DQP, engaging them in intra- and interdisciplinary conversations about curriculum related to DQP.

Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects

A: * Curriculum Committee Outline Revision Effort (new 3 year cycle)
* AS Degree Development/Expansion
* Departmental ISS Blueprint Development and Use (Detailed at Program level within departments)

B: * Program Outcome Drafting Efforts
* Program Assessment
* Gen-Ed Assessment
* Perkins Technical Skills Assessment (TSA)
* Curriculum Committee Outline Revision Effort (new 3 year cycle)
* Departmental ISS Blueprint Development and Use (Detailed at Program level within departments)
* Division-level ISS Blueprint Development
* Accreditation planning for next stage

C: * Curriculum Committee Outline Revision Effort (new 3 year cycle)
* AS Degree Development/Expansion

Processes - How outcome will be achieved

A: 1) Curriculum Committee Subcommittee work on how to formally approve/propose new AS program;
2) Concurrent conversations with academic departments and faculty connected with likely AS program areas;
3) Assisting Departments through process;
4) Including DQP considerations in all these processes, particularly those related to AS program outcome drafting and assessment planning.

B: 1) Program Outcome/Review Group identifies target programs and goals for program outcome drafting and assessment.
2) DQP is included in these discussions appropriately.
3) "Spiderweb" mappings completed where possible.

C: 1) Faculty invited to participate in DQP conferences and statewide activities.
2) DQP included as a topic in regular faculty assessment workshops.

Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement

A: 1a) First Curriculum Subcommittee meeting on AS degrees planned on 1/17.
2a) AS degrees introduced in chair meetings for all divisions as possibility.
2b) Targeted work between deans and dept chairs/faculty responsible for programs on how DQP fits in.
3a) Subcommittee drafts documentation/guide for departments seeking Committee approval for AS programs. DQP included in that guide.
4a) DQP included as topic in ongoing assessment workshops.

B: 1a) We have convened a project group that is tasked with creating/improving our program outcomes and program assessment efforts across the college. As part of this effort, we will be asking program leads to consider (when revising or drafting program outcomes) to what extent those program outcomes should be mapped to DQP and whether it makes sense to map down to the course level or not.
3a) Our IR person is involved in these discussions and will assist with outcome-mapping at course and program level as needed for DQP linkage.

C: 1a) Oct 25/26: Faculty and admin staff attended the DQP conference in Eugene. Five faculty from different departments (both CTE and transfer) attended: Business, Horticulture, Engineering Transfer, Automotive Tech, and English/Writing. Two other faculty involved with our GE assessment work to date (Science and Art) were not able to attend but are involved in the effort as well.
2a) Winter 2013 workshop will be on "critical thinking" which is a move away from specific focus on AAOT gen-ed outcomes, and toward outcomes more explicitly compatible with DQP.

Responsibility - Lead person / office

A: For DQP: Bill Briare (Dean, Division of Arts & Sciences), Matthew Altman (Associate Dean, Division of Arts & Sciences).
Other staff involved:
* Curriculum Committee Subcommittee for AS degrees
* Instructional deans/assoc. deans and department chairs

B: For Program Outcomes Effort: Scott Giltz (Dean, Division of Technology Health Occupations and Workforce)
Other staff involved:
* Program Outcomes group
* Department chairs and program heads.

C: For DQP: Bill Briare (Dean, Division of Arts & Sciences), Matthew Altman (Associate Dean, Division of Arts & Sciences).
Other staff involved:
* Curriculum Committee Subcommittee for AS degrees
* Instructional deans/assoc. deans and department chairs



Year 1 - Horizontal Alignment (Clackamas Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved




Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects




Processes - How outcome will be achieved




Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement




Responsibility - Lead person / office






Year 1 - Vertical Integration (Clackamas Community College)

Institutional Objectives - Outcome to be achieved




Linkages - Related institutional initiatives/projects




Processes - How outcome will be achieved




Progression - Milestones and dates to achievement






Responsibility - Lead person / office






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